The winters of your life can get mighty cold. Unfortunately those winters can come suddenly and without warning. (This may seem odd to some of you because winter is a non-stop season, but in Austin, TX, it feels like winter one day and, the next, you are putting sun block on your cheeks and avoiding layers because they are too hot!) At times, these winters can be dull, confining and relentless, but snows.
All of a sudden, your cold is accompanied by unexpected beauty and fun...the kind that only comes every 2 to 3 years. (Once again this may seem odd to people who have not experienced Austin weather, but we really only see real snow that sticks every 2 to 3 years...if that.)
My point is that a break in the ongoing stresses of your life is not only wanted, but needed. The real beauty is that you have more control over your 'snow day' than you think.
The keys is to truly distract yourself, even for a few hours, allowing time for your mind and body to refuel and face the hard things once again. If you can't think of anything (probably because you are stressed) try some of these:
- Spend undistracted time with your family (if your family is the source of your issues, I would advise against this). Allow yourself to be totally present and have fun. They probably have not seen that side of you in a while.
- Have a friend date or a self date. Go with your girls or guys and do something fun. Don't talk about your stresses, simply go. If finances are part of your stressors, then take the time to plan something cheap and fun.
- Work Out. I know many of you are saying to me that you barely have the energy to get up and go to work...much less work out. Well, you would be surprised what happens when you make your body happy. More energy, more confidence, and more relaxation.
- Pray. Maybe you don't have faith in something greater than yourself, but I would strongly suggest that you try praying. God particularly likes to wow those who don't believe in long as you give Him a chance.
What do you do to get you breaks in life (snow days)?
(Did anyone but me notice that this car was driving on the sidewalk?)
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